import json import time from pathlib import Path import flask import requests from secret import token REVERSE_PROXY = False # if True: uses X-Real-IP header instead of remote addr BASE_DIR = Path(__file__).parent TIMEOUT = 15 * 60 CONTENT_WARNING = "test post ignore" # "Post from a random person - trinkey is not responsible for the content!!" POST_URL = "" RUN_CONF = { "debug": True, "host": "", "port": "8000" } app = flask.Flask(__file__) data: dict[str, int] = {} try: data = json.load(open(BASE_DIR / "blocked.json", "r")) except FileNotFoundError: ... except json.JSONDecodeError: ... def save(): with open(BASE_DIR / "blocked.json", "w") as f: json.dump(data, f) def get_ip() -> str: return (flask.request.headers.get("X-Real-IP") if REVERSE_PROXY else flask.request.remote_addr) or "" @app.route("/", methods=["POST", "GET"]) def index() -> bytes: ip = get_ip() cant_post = ip in data and data[ip] > time.time() message = "" if flask.request.method == "POST": if not cant_post: content = (flask.request.form.get("text") or "").strip() if content: resp =, json={ "text": content, "cw": CONTENT_WARNING, "replyId": None, "renoteId": None, "mediaIds": None, "visibility": "home", "idempotencyKey": None }, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {token}" }) if resp.status_code == 200: data[ip] = int(time.time() + TIMEOUT) save() message = "Success!" else: message = f"Got non-200 status code ({resp})" else: message = "Enter some text!" else: message = "You can't post yet!" return open(BASE_DIR / "public/index.html", "rb").read() \ .replace(b"{{ IP }}", str.encode(ip)) \ .replace(b"{{ EXPIRE }}", str.encode(str(data[ip] if cant_post else 0))) \ .replace(b"{{ ERROR }}", str.encode(message)) if __name__ == "__main__":**RUN_CONF)