617 lines
32 KiB
617 lines
32 KiB
import hashlib
import random
import shutil
import flask
import json
import os
import re
from DotIndex import DotIndex
from typing import Union, Callable
from flask import request, redirect
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
app.url_map.strict_slashes = False
"discord" : re.compile(r"^(?!.*\.\.)(?=.{2,32}$)[a-z0-9_.]+$"),
"twitter" : re.compile(r"^(?!.*twitter)(?!.*admin)[a-z0-9_]{1,15}$", re.IGNORECASE),
"github" : re.compile(r"^(?!.*--)[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,37}[a-z0-9])?$", re.IGNORECASE),
"twitch" : re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9_]{4,25}$", re.IGNORECASE),
"reddit" : re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9_-]{3,20}$", re.IGNORECASE),
"snapchat" : re.compile(r"^(?=.{3,15}$)[a-z0-9]+(?:[_.-][a-z0-9]+)?$", re.IGNORECASE),
"instagram" : re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9_.]{1,30}$", re.IGNORECASE),
"facebook" : re.compile(r"^([a-z0-9].*){1,50}$", re.IGNORECASE),
"tiktok" : re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9_.]{1,25}$", re.IGNORECASE),
"smiggins" : re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9_-]{1,18}$"),
"tringl" : re.compile(r"^[a-z0-9_]{1,24}$")
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"tiktok": '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M448 209.9a210.1 210.1 0 0 1-122.8-39.3v178.8A162.6 162.6 0 1 1 185 188.3v89.9a74.6 74.6 0 1 0 52.2 71.2V0h88a121 121 0 0 0 1.9 22.2 122.2 122.2 0 0 0 53.9 80.2 121.4 121.4 0 0 0 67 20.1z"/></svg>',
"tringl": '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M512 240c0 114.9-114.6 208-256 208-37.1 0-72.3-6.4-104.1-17.9-11.9 8.7-31.3 20.6-54.3 30.6C73.6 471.1 44.7 480 16 480c-6.5 0-12.3-3.9-14.8-9.9s-1.1-12.8 3.4-17.4l.3-.3c.3-.3.7-.7 1.3-1.4 1.1-1.2 2.8-3.1 4.9-5.7 4.1-5 9.6-12.4 15.2-21.6 10-16.6 19.5-38.4 21.4-62.9C17.7 326.8 0 285.1 0 240 0 125.1 114.6 32 256 32s256 93.1 256 208"/></svg>',
"twitch": '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M391.2 103.5h-38.7v109.7h38.6zM285 103h-38.6v109.8H285zM120.8 0 24.3 91.4v329.2h115.8V512l96.5-91.4h77.3L487.7 256V0zm328.3 237.8-77.2 73.1h-77.3l-67.6 64v-64h-86.9V36.6h309z"/></svg>',
"twitter": '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M459.4 151.7c.3 4.5.3 9.1.3 13.6 0 138.7-105.6 298.6-298.6 298.6-59.5 0-114.7-17.2-161.1-47.1 8.4 1 16.6 1.3 25.3 1.3 49.1 0 94.2-16.6 130.3-44.8-46.1-1-84.8-31.2-98.1-72.8 6.5 1 13 1.6 19.8 1.6 9.4 0 18.8-1.3 27.6-3.6-48.1-9.7-84.1-52-84.1-103v-1.3c14 7.8 30.2 12.7 47.4 13.3-28.3-18.8-46.8-51-46.8-87.4 0-19.5 5.2-37.4 14.3-53C87.4 130.8 165 172.4 252.1 176.9c-1.6-7.8-2.6-15.9-2.6-24C249.5 95.1 296.3 48 354.4 48c30.2 0 57.5 12.7 76.7 33.1 23.7-4.5 46.5-13.3 66.6-25.3-7.8 24.4-24.4 44.8-46.1 57.8 21.1-2.3 41.6-8.1 60.4-16.2-14.3 20.8-32.2 39.3-52.6 54.3"/></svg>'
"discord": {
"link": None,
"prefix": ""
"facebook": {
"link": "https://www.facebook.com/%q",
"prefix": ""
"github": {
"link": "https://github.com/%q",
"prefix": ""
"instagram": {
"link": "https://www.instagram.com/%q/",
"prefix": ""
"reddit": {
"link": "https://www.reddit.com/u/%q",
"prefix": "/u/"
"smiggins": {
"link": "https://trinkey.pythonanywhere.com/u/%q",
"prefix": "@"
"snapchat": {
"link": "https://www.snapchat.com/add/%q",
"prefix": ""
"tiktok": {
"link": "https://www.tiktok.com/@%q",
"prefix": ""
"tringl": {
"link": "https://ngl.pythonanywhere.com/m/%q",
"prefix": "@"
"twitch": {
"link": "https://www.twitch.tv/%q",
"prefix": ""
"twitter": {
"link": "https://twitter.com/%q",
"prefix": "@"
def validate_color(color: str) -> bool:
if len(color) != 7 or color[0] != "#":
return False
for i in color[1::]:
if i not in "abcdef0123456789":
return False
return True
def sort_list(l: list[list[str]], alphabetical=False) -> list[list[str]]:
output = []
for i in l:
if i[0] and ((not alphabetical and (i[1] in ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) or (alphabetical and i[1]))):
if alphabetical:
return sorted(output, key=lambda x: x[1] + x[0])
return sorted(output, key=lambda x: {"1": "d", "2": "c", "3": "b", "4": "a"}[x[1]] + x[0])
def return_dynamic_content_type(content: Union[str, bytes], content_type: str="text/html") -> flask.Response:
response = flask.make_response(content)
response.headers["Content-Type"] = content_type
return response
def sha(string: Union[str, bytes]) -> str:
if type(string) == str:
return hashlib.sha256(str.encode(string)).hexdigest()
elif type(string) == bytes:
return hashlib.sha256(string).hexdigest()
return ""
def ensure_file(path: str, *, default_value: str="", folder: bool=False) -> None:
if os.path.exists(path):
if folder and not os.path.isdir(path):
elif not folder and os.path.isdir(path):
shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
f = open(path, "w")
if folder:
f = open(path, "w")
def escape_html(string: str) -> str:
return string.replace("&", "&").replace("<", "<").replace("\"", """)
def generate_token(username: str, passhash: str) -> str:
return sha(sha(f"{username}:{passhash}") + "among us in real life, sus, sus")
def list_public(
sort: str="random",
page: int=0,
limit: int=25
) -> dict:
# Sort: "alphabetical", "random"
# Page: for "alphabetical", page for next. 0 is first page, 1 is second...
x = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", "r").read())
output = {
"end": True,
"list": []
if sort == "alphabetical":
x = x[limit * page::]
output["end"] = len(x) <= limit
for i in x[:limit:]:
q = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{i}.json", "r").read())
"colors": q["colors"],
"display_name": q["display_name"],
"bio": q["description"],
"username": i
elif sort == "random":
for i in x[:limit:]:
q = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{i}.json", "r").read())
"colors": q["colors"],
"display_name": q["display_name"],
"bio": q["description"],
"username": i
return output
def create_file_serve(file) -> Callable:
x = lambda property=None: flask.send_file(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}{file}")
x.__name__ = file
return x
def create_folder_serve(directory) -> Callable:
x = lambda file: flask.send_from_directory(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}{directory}", file)
x.__name__ = directory
return x
def get_template(json, username):
def add_to_output(starting, json, key, title):
starting += f'<div class="added" id="{key}"><h2>{title}</h2>'
for i in json[key]:
starting += f"""<div {'class="accent"' if i[1] == '4' else 'style="color: var(--text-low-opacity);"' if i[1] == '1' else ''}>{icons[i[1]]} {escape_html(i[0])}</div>"""
return starting + "</div>"
json = DotIndex(json)
icons = {
"1": '<svg style="fill: var(--text-low-opacity);" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M323.8 477.2c-38.2 10.9-78.1-11.2-89-49.4l-5.7-20c-3.7-13-10.4-25-19.5-35l-51.3-56.4c-8.9-9.8-8.2-25 1.6-33.9s25-8.2 33.9 1.6l51.3 56.4c14.1 15.5 24.4 34 30.1 54.1l5.7 20c3.6 12.7 16.9 20.1 29.7 16.5s20.1-16.9 16.5-29.7l-5.7-20c-5.7-19.9-14.7-38.7-26.6-55.5-5.2-7.3-5.8-16.9-1.7-24.9s12.3-13 21.3-13H448c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16 0-6.8-4.3-12.7-10.4-15-7.4-2.8-13-9-14.9-16.7s.1-15.8 5.3-21.7c2.5-2.8 4-6.5 4-10.6 0-7.8-5.6-14.3-13-15.7-8.2-1.6-15.1-7.3-18-15.2s-1.6-16.7 3.6-23.3c2.1-2.7 3.4-6.1 3.4-9.9 0-6.7-4.2-12.6-10.2-14.9-11.5-4.5-17.7-16.9-14.4-28.8.4-1.3.6-2.8.6-4.3 0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-97.5c-12.6 0-25 3.7-35.5 10.7l-61.7 41.1c-11 7.4-25.9 4.4-33.3-6.7s-4.4-25.9 6.7-33.3l61.7-41.1c18.4-12.3 40-18.8 62.1-18.8H384c34.7 0 62.9 27.6 64 62 14.6 11.7 24 29.7 24 50 0 4.5-.5 8.8-1.3 13 15.4 11.7 25.3 30.2 25.3 51 0 6.5-1 12.8-2.8 18.7 11.6 11.8 18.8 27.8 18.8 45.5 0 35.3-28.6 64-64 64h-92.3c4.7 10.4 8.7 21.2 11.8 32.2l5.7 20c10.9 38.2-11.2 78.1-49.4 89zM32 384c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32V128c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h64c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32v224c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32H32z"/></svg>',
"2": '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 448 512"><path d="M100.5 176c-29 0-52.5 23.5-52.5 52.5V320c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24S0 333.3 0 320v-91.5C0 173 45 128 100.5 128c29.6 0 57.6 13 76.7 35.6l130.2 153.8c10 11.8 24.6 18.6 40.1 18.6 29 0 52.5-23.5 52.5-52.5V192c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24s24 10.7 24 24v91.5C448 339 403 384 347.5 384c-29.6 0-57.6-13-76.7-35.6L140.6 194.6c-10-11.8-24.6-18.6-40.1-18.6z"/></svg>',
"3": '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="M323.8 34.8c-38.2-10.9-78.1 11.2-89 49.4l-5.7 20c-3.7 13-10.4 25-19.5 35l-51.3 56.4c-8.9 9.8-8.2 25 1.6 33.9s25 8.2 33.9-1.6l51.3-56.4c14.1-15.5 24.4-34 30.1-54.1l5.7-20c3.6-12.7 16.9-20.1 29.7-16.5s20.1 16.9 16.5 29.7l-5.7 20c-5.7 19.9-14.7 38.7-26.6 55.5-5.2 7.3-5.8 16.9-1.7 24.9s12.3 13 21.3 13H448c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16 0 6.8-4.3 12.7-10.4 15-7.4 2.8-13 9-14.9 16.7s.1 15.8 5.3 21.7c2.5 2.8 4 6.5 4 10.6 0 7.8-5.6 14.3-13 15.7-8.2 1.6-15.1 7.3-18 15.2s-1.6 16.7 3.6 23.3c2.1 2.7 3.4 6.1 3.4 9.9 0 6.7-4.2 12.6-10.2 14.9-11.5 4.5-17.7 16.9-14.4 28.8.4 1.3.6 2.8.6 4.3 0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-97.5c-12.6 0-25-3.7-35.5-10.7l-61.7-41.1c-11-7.4-25.9-4.4-33.3 6.7s-4.4 25.9 6.7 33.3l61.7 41.1c18.4 12.3 40 18.8 62.1 18.8H384c34.7 0 62.9-27.6 64-62 14.6-11.7 24-29.7 24-50 0-4.5-.5-8.8-1.3-13 15.4-11.7 25.3-30.2 25.3-51 0-6.5-1-12.8-2.8-18.7 11.6-11.8 18.8-27.8 18.8-45.5 0-35.3-28.6-64-64-64h-92.3c4.7-10.4 8.7-21.2 11.8-32.2l5.7-20c10.9-38.2-11.2-78.1-49.4-89zM32 192c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v224c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h64c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V224c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H32z"/></svg>',
"4": '<svg class="accent" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 512 512"><path d="m47.6 300.4 180.7 168.7c7.5 7 17.4 10.9 27.7 10.9s20.2-3.9 27.7-10.9l180.7-168.7c30.4-28.3 47.6-68 47.6-109.5v-5.8c0-69.9-50.5-129.5-119.4-141-45.6-7.6-92 7.3-124.6 39.9l-12 12-1-12c-32.6-32.6-79-47.5-124.6-39.9C50.5 55.6 0 115.2 0 185.1v5.8c0 41.5 17.2 81.2 47.6 109.5z"/></svg>'
styles = f"--background: {json.colors.background}; --background-low-opacity: {json.colors.background}33; --accent: {json.colors.accent}; --accent-low-opacity: {json.colors.accent}66; --text: {json.colors.text}; --text-low-opacity: {json.colors.text}88;" # type: ignore
title = f"{escape_html(json.display_name)} (@{username})".replace("{{TEMPLATE}}", "HA" * 50) # type: ignore
embed = f'<meta name="description" content="{json.display_name} on InfoPage"><meta name="author" content="trinkey"><meta property="og:type" content="website"><meta property="og:title" content="{json.display_name} on InfoPage"><meta property="og:description" content="{json.description}"><meta property="og:url" content="https://infopg.web.app/"><meta property="og:site_name" content="infopg.web.app"><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta name="twitter:title" content="{json.display_name} on InfoPage"><meta name="twitter:description" content="{json.description}">' # type: ignore
inner = f'<div id="container"><h1 id="name">{escape_html(json.display_name)}</h1><div id="description">{escape_html(json.description)}</div><div id="word-container">' # type: ignore
inner = add_to_output(inner, json, "names", "Names");
inner = add_to_output(inner, json, "pronouns", "Pronouns");
inner = add_to_output(inner, json, "honorifics", "Honorifics");
inner = add_to_output(inner, json, "compliments", "Compliments");
inner = add_to_output(inner, json, "relationship", "Relationship<br>Descriptions");
social = json.social # type: ignore
inner += '<div class="added" id="social"><h2>Social Links</h2>'
for i in social:
if SOCIAL_INFO[i[1]]["link"]:
inner += f"<div>{SOCIAL_ICONS[i[1]]} <a href='{SOCIAL_INFO[i[1]]['link'].replace('%q', i[0])}' target='_blank'>{SOCIAL_INFO[i[1]]['prefix']}{escape_html(i[0])}</a></div>"
inner += f"<div>{SOCIAL_ICONS[i[1]]} {SOCIAL_INFO[i[1]]['prefix']}{escape_html(i[0])}</div>"
inner += "</div>"
except AttributeError as e:
inner += "</div>"
return title, inner, styles, embed
def get_user_page(user):
user = user.lower()
x = open(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}user.html", "r").read()
user_json = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{user}.json", "r").read())
except FileNotFoundError:
return x.replace("{{TEMPLATE}}", '<h1>User not found!</h1><a href="/signup">Sign up</a> - <a href="/login">Log in</a>').replace("{{TITLE}}", "User not found - InfoPage")
title, inner, styles, embed = get_template(user_json, user)
return x.replace("<body", f'<body style="{styles}"') \
.replace("{{TITLE}}", title) \
.replace("<title", embed + "<title", 1) \
.replace("{{TEMPLATE}}", inner) \
.replace("HA" * 50, "{{TEMPLATE}}")
def api_account_login():
x = json.loads(request.data)
username = x["username"].replace(" ", "").lower()
passhash = x["password"]
except json.JSONDecodeError:
except KeyError:
if len(username) > 24 or len(username) < 1:
for i in username:
if i not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-":
return {
"valid": False,
"reason": "User doesn't exist."
open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{username}.json", "r")
except FileNotFoundError:
return {
"valid": False,
"reason": "User doesn't exist."
token = generate_token(username, passhash)
enforced_username = open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{token}.txt", "r").read()
except FileNotFoundError:
return {
"valid": False,
"reason": "Invalid password"
if enforced_username != username:
return {
"valid": False,
"reason": "Invalid password"
return {
"valid": True,
"token": token
def api_account_signup():
x = json.loads(request.data)
username = x["username"].replace(" ", "").lower()
passhash = x["password"]
except json.JSONDecodeError:
except KeyError:
if len(x["username"]) > 24 or len(username) < 1:
if len(passhash) != 64:
for i in passhash:
if i not in "abcdef0123456789":
for i in username:
if i not in "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_-":
return {
"valid": False,
"reason": "Username can only contain a-z, 0-9, underscores, and hyphens."
open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{username}.json", "r")
return {
"valid": False,
"reason": "Username taken."
except FileNotFoundError:
token = generate_token(username, passhash)
ensure_file(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{token}.txt", default_value=username)
ensure_file(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{username}.json", default_value=json.dumps({
"username": username,
"display_name": x["username"],
"description": "",
"colors": {
"accent": "#ff0000",
"text": "#ffffff",
"background": "#111122"
"names": [
[x["username"], "4"]
"pronouns": [
["he/him", "3"],
["it/its", "3"],
["she/her", "3"],
["they/them", "3"]
"honorifics": [
["ma'am", "3"],
["madam", "3"],
["mir", "3"],
["mr.", "3"],
["ms.", "3"],
["mx.", "3"],
["sai", "3"],
["shazam", "3"],
["sir", "3"],
["zam", "3"]
"compliments": [
["cute", "3"],
["handsome", "3"],
["hot", "3"],
["pretty", "3"],
["sexy", "3"]
"relationship": [
["beloved", "3"],
["boyfriend", "3"],
["darling", "3"],
["enbyfriend", "3"],
["friend", "3"],
["girlfriend", "3"],
["husband", "3"],
["partner", "3"],
["wife", "3"]
"public": False,
"social": []
return return_dynamic_content_type(json.dumps({
"valid": True,
"token": token
def api_account_info_(user):
return return_dynamic_content_type(
except FileNotFoundError:
def api_account_self():
return return_dynamic_content_type(
open(SAVING_DIRECTORY + open(f'{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{request.cookies["token"]}.txt', 'r').read() + ".json", 'r').read(),
except FileNotFoundError:
def api_account_change():
username = open(f'{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{request.cookies["token"]}.txt', 'r').read()
x = json.loads(request.data)
if generate_token(username, x["current"]) != request.cookies["token"]:
new = generate_token(username, x["new"])
os.rename(f'{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{request.cookies["token"]}.txt', f'{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{new}.txt')
return {
"token": new
def api_account_delete():
username = open(f'{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{request.cookies["token"]}.txt', 'r').read()
x = json.loads(request.data)
token = generate_token(username, x["passhash"])
if generate_token(username, x["passhash"]) != request.cookies["token"]:
f = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", "r").read())
if username in f:
g = open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", "w")
return "200 OK"
def api_save():
username = open(f'{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{request.cookies["token"]}.txt', 'r').read()
x = json.loads(request.data)
user_data = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{username}.json", "r").read())
if "display_name" in x and len(x["display_name"]) < 64 and len(x["display_name"]) > 0:
user_data["display_name"] = x["display_name"]
if "description" in x and len(x["description"]) < 512:
user_data["description"] = x["description"]
if "public" in x:
user_data["public"] = bool(x["public"])
public_list = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", "r").read())
if user_data["public"] and username not in public_list:
elif not user_data["public"] and username in public_list:
f = open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", "w")
if "colors" in x:
if "accent" in x["colors"] and validate_color(x["colors"]["accent"]):
user_data["colors"]["accent"] = x["colors"]["accent"]
if "background" in x["colors"] and validate_color(x["colors"]["background"]):
user_data["colors"]["background"] = x["colors"]["background"]
if "text" in x["colors"] and validate_color(x["colors"]["text"]):
user_data["colors"]["text"] = x["colors"]["text"]
if "names" in x:
names = []
for i in x["names"]:
if len(i) == 2 and int(i[1]) in [1, 2, 3, 4] and len(i[0]) > 0 and len(i[0]) < 48:
user_data["names"] = sort_list(names)
if "pronouns" in x:
pronouns = []
for i in x["pronouns"]:
if len(i) == 2 and int(i[1]) in [1, 2, 3, 4] and len(i[0]) > 0 and len(i[0]) < 48:
user_data["pronouns"] = sort_list(pronouns)
if "honorifics" in x:
honorifics = []
for i in x["honorifics"]:
if len(i) == 2 and int(i[1]) in [1, 2, 3, 4] and len(i[0]) > 0 and len(i[0]) < 48:
user_data["honorifics"] = sort_list(honorifics)
if "compliments" in x:
compliments = []
for i in x["compliments"]:
if len(i) == 2 and int(i[1]) in [1, 2, 3, 4] and len(i[0]) > 0 and len(i[0]) < 48:
user_data["compliments"] = sort_list(compliments)
if "relationship" in x:
relationship = []
for i in x["relationship"]:
if len(i) == 2 and int(i[1]) in [1, 2, 3, 4] and len(i[0]) > 0 and len(i[0]) < 48:
user_data["relationship"] = sort_list(relationship)
if "social" in x:
social = []
for i in x["social"]:
if len(i) == 2 and i[1] in SOCIALS_REGEX and SOCIALS_REGEX[i[1]].match(i[0]):
user_data["social"] = sort_list(social, True)
f = open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{username}.json", "w")
return "200 OK"
def api_browse():
return list_public(
request.args.get("sort"), # type: ignore
int(request.args.get("page")) if "page" in request.args else 0 # type: ignore
def home():
if "token" not in request.cookies:
return flask.send_file(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}home.html")
token = request.cookies['token']
if len(token) != 64:
return flask.send_file(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}home.html")
for i in token:
if i not in "abcdef0123456789":
return flask.send_file(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}home.html")
username = open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/{token}.txt", "r").read()
user_info = json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}{username}.json", "r").read())
except FileNotFoundError:
return flask.send_file(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}home.html")
x = open(f"{CONTENT_DIRECTORY}home.html", "r").read()
x = x.replace("{{USERNAME}}", username)
x = x.replace("{{DISPL_NAME}}", user_info["display_name"])
x = x.replace("{{PUBLIC}}", "true" if "public" in user_info and user_info["public"] else "false")
x = x.replace("{{TOTAL}}", str(len(json.loads(open(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", "r").read()))))
return return_dynamic_content_type(x, "text/html")
ensure_file(SAVING_DIRECTORY, folder=True)
ensure_file(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}tokens/", folder=True)
ensure_file(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public", folder=True)
ensure_file(f"{SAVING_DIRECTORY}public/list.json", default_value="[]")
app.route("/api/account/login", methods=["POST"])(api_account_login)
app.route("/api/account/signup", methods=["POST"])(api_account_signup)
app.route("/api/account/info/<path:user>", methods=["GET"])(api_account_info_)
app.route("/api/account/self", methods=["GET"])(api_account_self)
app.route("/api/account/change", methods=["POST"])(api_account_change)
app.route("/api/account/delete", methods=["DELETE"])(api_account_delete)
app.route("/api/save", methods=["PATCH"])(api_save)
app.route("/api/browse", methods=["GET"])(api_browse)
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app)
def enforce_https():
if not request.is_secure:
url = request.url.replace('http://', 'https://', 1)
return redirect(url, code=301)
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(debug=True, port=8080)