2024-12-13 23:26:07 -05:00
/ * c o n f i g : {
title : string ,
content : string ,
id : string ,
width ? : number = 400 ,
height ? : number = 400 ,
minWidth ? : number = 200 ,
minHeight ? : number = 200 ,
posX ? : number = null , // automatically centers window based on w/h
posY ? : number = null ,
postCreation ? : ( ) => void
} * /
let WINDOWS = { } ;
let globalIncrement = 1 ;
function createWindow ( config ) {
if ( document . getElementById ( config . id ) ) {
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . element . style . zIndex = globalIncrement ;
globalIncrement ++ ;
return ;
// 1 - border
// 10 - padding
// 35 - header
let _windowPaddingX = 1 * 2 + 10 * 2 ;
let _windowPaddingY = 1 * 2 + 10 * 2 + 35 ;
config . width = config . width || 600 ;
config . height = config . height || 400 ;
config . minWidth = config . minWidth || 200 ;
config . minHeight = config . minHeight || 200 ;
let realWidth = Math . max ( config . minWidth , Math . min ( config . width , innerWidth - _windowPaddingX - 20 ) ) ;
let realHeight = Math . max ( config . minHeight , Math . min ( config . height , innerHeight - _windowPaddingY - 20 ) ) ;
let posX = config . posX || Math . round ( ( innerWidth / 2 ) - ( ( realWidth + _windowPaddingX ) / 2 ) ) ;
let posY = config . posY || Math . round ( ( innerHeight / 2 ) - ( ( realHeight + _windowPaddingY ) / 2 ) ) ;
let wO = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
wO . classList . add ( "window-outer" ) ;
let w = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
w . classList . add ( "window" ) ;
w . style . width = ` ${ realWidth } px ` ;
w . style . height = ` ${ realHeight } px ` ;
w . innerHTML = config . content ;
let wH = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
wH . classList . add ( "window-header" ) ;
wH . innerHTML = `
< i class = "window-header-button blank" > < / i >
< i class = "window-header-button blank" > < / i >
< i class = "window-header-button blank" > < / i >
< strong class = "window-header-title" > $ { config . title } < / s t r o n g >
< i data - no - move class = "window-header-button minimize" > < / i >
< i data - no - move class = "window-header-button fullscreen" > < / i >
< i data - no - move class = "window-header-button close" > < / i >
` ;
let wC = document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
wC . classList . add ( "window-container" ) ;
wC . style . left = ` ${ posX } px ` ;
wC . style . top = ` ${ posY } px ` ;
wC . id = config . id ;
wC . style . zIndex = globalIncrement ;
wC . style . width = ` ${ realWidth + _windowPaddingX - 2 } px ` ;
wO . append ( w )
wC . append ( wH , wO ) ;
document . body . append ( wC ) ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] = {
element : wC ,
height : realHeight ,
width : realWidth ,
posX : posX ,
posY : posY ,
mouseDown : false ,
fullscreen : false ,
vars : { }
} ;
function mouseMoveEvent ( x , y ) {
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( innerWidth - WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width - _windowPaddingX , x - WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . mouseOffsetX ) ) ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY = Math . max ( 0 , Math . min ( innerHeight - WINDOWS [ config . id ] . height - _windowPaddingY , y - WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . mouseOffsetY ) ) ;
wC . style . left = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX } px ` ;
wC . style . top = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY } px ` ;
wC . addEventListener ( "mousedown" , function ( ) {
wC . style . zIndex = globalIncrement ;
globalIncrement ++ ;
} )
wH . addEventListener ( "mousedown" , function ( e ) {
if ( e . target . dataset . noMove !== undefined ) {
return ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . mouseDown = true ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . mouseOffsetX = e . clientX - WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . mouseOffsetY = e . clientY - WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY ;
MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING [ config . id ] = {
callback : mouseMoveEvent ,
mouseUp : true
} ;
} ) ;
wH . querySelector ( ".close" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ) {
delete WINDOWS [ config . id ] ;
delete MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING [ config . id ] ;
wC . remove ( ) ;
} ) ;
wH . querySelector ( ".fullscreen" ) . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( ) {
if ( WINDOWS [ config . id ] . fullscreen ) {
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldPosX ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldPosY ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldWidth ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . height = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldHeight ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . fullscreen = false ;
delete WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldPosX ;
delete WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldPosY ;
delete WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldWidth ;
delete WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldHeight ;
wC . style . left = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX } px ` ;
wC . style . top = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY } px ` ;
wC . style . width = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width + _windowPaddingX - 2 } px ` ;
w . style . width = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width } px ` ;
w . style . height = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . height } px ` ;
} else {
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldPosX = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldPosY = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldWidth = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . vars . oldHeight = WINDOWS [ config . id ] . height ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . fullscreen = true ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posX = 0 ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . posY = 0 ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width = innerWidth ;
WINDOWS [ config . id ] . height = innerHeight ;
wC . style . left = "0px" ;
wC . style . top = "0px" ;
wC . style . width = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width } px ` ;
w . style . width = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . width - _windowPaddingX } px ` ;
w . style . height = ` ${ WINDOWS [ config . id ] . height - _windowPaddingY } px ` ;
} ) ;
globalIncrement ++ ;
if ( typeof config . postCreation == "function" ) {
config . postCreation ( ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , function ( e ) {
for ( const key of Object . keys ( MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING ) ) {
MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING [ key ] . callback ( e . clientX , e . clientY ) ;
} ) ;
window . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , function ( ) {
for ( const key of Object . keys ( MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING ) ) {
if ( MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING [ key ] . mouseUp ) {
delete MOUSE _MOVE _PROCESSING [ key ] ;
} ;
} ) ;
function windowPreset ( template ) {
let el = document . querySelector ( ` #window-templates > [data-template-id=" ${ template } "] ` ) ;
if ( ! el ) { return ; }
let config = {
id : template
} ;
for ( const field of el . querySelectorAll ( "[data-template-field]" ) ) {
config [ field . dataset . templateField ] = field . dataset . isNumber === "" ? + field . innerText : field . innerHTML ;
createWindow ( config ) ;
function copyButton ( ) {
2024-12-14 09:58:43 -05:00
navigator . clipboard . writeText ( "<a href=\"https://trinkey.com/\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"https://trinkey.com/img/88x31.png\" alt=\"trinkey's 88x31. image of her cat on the right with the word trinkey taking up the rest of the button.\" title=\"trinkey's 88x31. image of her cat on the right with the word trinkey taking up the rest of the button.\"></a>" ) ;
2024-12-13 23:26:07 -05:00