diff --git a/js/index.js b/js/index.js
index 750aabc..7dd5d4f 100644
--- a/js/index.js
+++ b/js/index.js
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ function incrementZIndex(windowID, focus = false) {
 function edgeMoveEvent(x, y, pos, windowID) {
     let w = WINDOWS[windowID];
+    if (w.fullscreen) {
+        return;
+    }
     if (pos == "top" || pos.startsWith("top-")) {
         w.height = Math.max(-(y - w.vars.mouseOffsetY - w.vars.startingPosY) + w.vars.startingHeight, w.minHeight);
         w.posY = Math.max(w.vars.startingHeight - w.height + w.vars.startingPosY, 0);
@@ -211,37 +214,38 @@ function createWindow(config) {
     wH.querySelector(".fullscreen").addEventListener("click", function () {
-        if (WINDOWS[config.id].fullscreen) {
-            WINDOWS[config.id].posX = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosX;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].posY = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosY;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].width = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldWidth;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].height = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldHeight;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].fullscreen = false;
-            delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosX;
-            delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosY;
-            delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldWidth;
-            delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldHeight;
-            wC.style.left = `${WINDOWS[config.id].posX}px`;
-            wC.style.top = `${WINDOWS[config.id].posY}px`;
-            wC.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
-            w.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width}px`;
-            w.style.height = `${WINDOWS[config.id].height}px`;
+        let window = WINDOWS[config.id];
+        if (window.fullscreen) {
+            window.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - window.vars.oldWidth - _windowPaddingX, window.vars.oldPosX));
+            window.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - window.vars.oldHeight - _windowPaddingY, window.vars.oldPosY));
+            window.width = Math.max(window.minWidth, Math.min(window.vars.oldWidth, innerWidth - _windowPaddingX));
+            window.height = Math.max(window.minHeight, Math.min(window.vars.oldHeight, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY));
+            window.fullscreen = false;
+            delete window.vars.oldPosX;
+            delete window.vars.oldPosY;
+            delete window.vars.oldWidth;
+            delete window.vars.oldHeight;
+            wC.style.left = `${window.posX}px`;
+            wC.style.top = `${window.posY}px`;
+            wC.style.width = `${window.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
+            w.style.width = `${window.width}px`;
+            w.style.height = `${window.height}px`;
         else {
-            WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosX = WINDOWS[config.id].posX;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosY = WINDOWS[config.id].posY;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldWidth = WINDOWS[config.id].width;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldHeight = WINDOWS[config.id].height;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].fullscreen = true;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].posX = 0;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].posY = 0;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].width = innerWidth;
-            WINDOWS[config.id].height = innerHeight;
+            window.vars.oldPosX = window.posX;
+            window.vars.oldPosY = window.posY;
+            window.vars.oldWidth = window.width;
+            window.vars.oldHeight = window.height;
+            window.fullscreen = true;
+            window.posX = 0;
+            window.posY = 0;
+            window.width = innerWidth;
+            window.height = innerHeight;
             wC.style.left = "0px";
             wC.style.top = "0px";
-            wC.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width}px`;
-            w.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width - _windowPaddingX}px`;
-            w.style.height = `${WINDOWS[config.id].height - _windowPaddingY}px`;
+            wC.style.width = `${window.width}px`;
+            w.style.width = `${window.width - _windowPaddingX}px`;
+            w.style.height = `${window.height - _windowPaddingY}px`;
@@ -288,14 +292,21 @@ onmouseup = function () {
 onresize = function () {
     for (const window of Object.keys(WINDOWS)) {
-        WINDOWS[window].posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - WINDOWS[window].width - _windowPaddingX, WINDOWS[window].posX));
-        WINDOWS[window].posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - WINDOWS[window].height - _windowPaddingY, WINDOWS[window].posY));
-        WINDOWS[window].width = Math.max(WINDOWS[window].minWidth, Math.min(WINDOWS[window].width, innerWidth - _windowPaddingX));
-        WINDOWS[window].height = Math.max(WINDOWS[window].minHeight, Math.min(WINDOWS[window].height, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY));
-        WINDOWS[window].element.style.left = `${WINDOWS[window].posX}px`;
-        WINDOWS[window].element.style.top = `${WINDOWS[window].posY}px`;
-        WINDOWS[window].element.style.width = `${WINDOWS[window].width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
-        WINDOWS[window].element.querySelector(".window").style.width = `${WINDOWS[window].width}px`;
-        WINDOWS[window].element.querySelector(".window").style.height = `${WINDOWS[window].height}px`;
+        let w = WINDOWS[window];
+        if (w.fullscreen) {
+            w.width = innerWidth - _windowPaddingX + 2;
+            w.height = innerHeight - _windowPaddingY + 2;
+        }
+        else {
+            w.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - w.width - _windowPaddingX, w.posX));
+            w.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - w.height - _windowPaddingY, w.posY));
+            w.width = Math.max(w.minWidth, Math.min(w.width, innerWidth - _windowPaddingX));
+            w.height = Math.max(w.minHeight, Math.min(w.height, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY));
+        }
+        w.element.style.left = `${w.posX}px`;
+        w.element.style.top = `${w.posY}px`;
+        w.element.style.width = `${w.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
+        w.element.querySelector(".window").style.width = `${w.width}px`;
+        w.element.querySelector(".window").style.height = `${w.height}px`;
diff --git a/ts/index.ts b/ts/index.ts
index 77901a1..fa13aa1 100644
--- a/ts/index.ts
+++ b/ts/index.ts
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@ function incrementZIndex(windowID: string, focus: boolean=false): void {
 function edgeMoveEvent(x: number, y: number, pos: "top" | "bottom" | "left" | "right" | "top-left" | "top-right" | "bottom-left" | "bottom-right" | string, windowID: string): void {
   let w: _winConf = WINDOWS[windowID];
+  if (w.fullscreen) { return; }
   if (pos == "top" || pos.startsWith("top-")) {
     w.height = Math.max(-(y - w.vars.mouseOffsetY - w.vars.startingPosY) + w.vars.startingHeight, w.minHeight);
     w.posY = Math.max(w.vars.startingHeight - w.height + w.vars.startingPosY, 0);
@@ -253,36 +255,37 @@ function createWindow(config: _winInitConf): void {
   wH.querySelector(".fullscreen").addEventListener("click", function(): void {
-    if (WINDOWS[config.id].fullscreen) {
-      WINDOWS[config.id].posX = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosX;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].posY = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosY;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].width = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldWidth;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].height = WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldHeight;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].fullscreen = false;
-      delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosX;
-      delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosY;
-      delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldWidth;
-      delete WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldHeight;
-      wC.style.left = `${WINDOWS[config.id].posX}px`;
-      wC.style.top = `${WINDOWS[config.id].posY}px`;
-      wC.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
-      w.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width}px`;
-      w.style.height = `${WINDOWS[config.id].height}px`;
+    let window: _winConf = WINDOWS[config.id];
+    if (window.fullscreen) {
+      window.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - window.vars.oldWidth - _windowPaddingX, window.vars.oldPosX)); // window.vars.oldPosX;
+      window.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - window.vars.oldHeight - _windowPaddingY, window.vars.oldPosY)); // window.vars.oldPosY;
+      window.width = Math.max(window.minWidth,  Math.min(window.vars.oldWidth,  innerWidth  - _windowPaddingX)); // window.vars.oldWidth;
+      window.height = Math.max(window.minHeight, Math.min(window.vars.oldHeight, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY)); // window.vars.oldHeight;
+      window.fullscreen = false;
+      delete window.vars.oldPosX;
+      delete window.vars.oldPosY;
+      delete window.vars.oldWidth;
+      delete window.vars.oldHeight;
+      wC.style.left = `${window.posX}px`;
+      wC.style.top = `${window.posY}px`;
+      wC.style.width = `${window.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
+      w.style.width = `${window.width}px`;
+      w.style.height = `${window.height}px`;
     } else {
-      WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosX = WINDOWS[config.id].posX;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldPosY = WINDOWS[config.id].posY;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldWidth = WINDOWS[config.id].width;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].vars.oldHeight = WINDOWS[config.id].height;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].fullscreen = true;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].posX = 0;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].posY = 0;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].width = innerWidth;
-      WINDOWS[config.id].height = innerHeight;
+      window.vars.oldPosX = window.posX;
+      window.vars.oldPosY = window.posY;
+      window.vars.oldWidth = window.width;
+      window.vars.oldHeight = window.height;
+      window.fullscreen = true;
+      window.posX = 0;
+      window.posY = 0;
+      window.width = innerWidth;
+      window.height = innerHeight;
       wC.style.left = "0px";
       wC.style.top = "0px";
-      wC.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width}px`;
-      w.style.width = `${WINDOWS[config.id].width - _windowPaddingX}px`;
-      w.style.height = `${WINDOWS[config.id].height - _windowPaddingY}px`;
+      wC.style.width = `${window.width}px`;
+      w.style.width = `${window.width - _windowPaddingX}px`;
+      w.style.height = `${window.height - _windowPaddingY}px`;
@@ -339,17 +342,23 @@ onmouseup = function(): void {
 onresize = function(): void {
   for (const window of Object.keys(WINDOWS)) {
-    WINDOWS[window].posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth  - WINDOWS[window].width  - _windowPaddingX, WINDOWS[window].posX));
-    WINDOWS[window].posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - WINDOWS[window].height - _windowPaddingY, WINDOWS[window].posY));
+    let w: _winConf = WINDOWS[window];
-    WINDOWS[window].width  = Math.max(WINDOWS[window].minWidth,  Math.min(WINDOWS[window].width,  innerWidth  - _windowPaddingX));
-    WINDOWS[window].height = Math.max(WINDOWS[window].minHeight, Math.min(WINDOWS[window].height, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY));
+    if (w.fullscreen) {
+      w.width = innerWidth - _windowPaddingX + 2;
+      w.height = innerHeight - _windowPaddingY + 2;
+    } else {
+      w.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth  - w.width  - _windowPaddingX, w.posX));
+      w.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - w.height - _windowPaddingY, w.posY));
-    WINDOWS[window].element.style.left = `${WINDOWS[window].posX}px`;
-    WINDOWS[window].element.style.top  = `${WINDOWS[window].posY}px`;
+      w.width  = Math.max(w.minWidth,  Math.min(w.width,  innerWidth  - _windowPaddingX));
+      w.height = Math.max(w.minHeight, Math.min(w.height, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY));
+    }
-    WINDOWS[window].element.style.width = `${WINDOWS[window].width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
-    (WINDOWS[window].element.querySelector(".window") as HTMLElement).style.width  = `${WINDOWS[window].width }px`;
-    (WINDOWS[window].element.querySelector(".window") as HTMLElement).style.height = `${WINDOWS[window].height}px`;
+    w.element.style.left = `${w.posX}px`;
+    w.element.style.top  = `${w.posY}px`;
+    w.element.style.width = `${w.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`;
+    (w.element.querySelector(".window") as HTMLElement).style.width  = `${w.width }px`;
+    (w.element.querySelector(".window") as HTMLElement).style.height = `${w.height}px`;