const _windowPaddingX = 1 * 2 + 10 * 2; const _windowPaddingY = 1 * 2 + 10 * 2 + 35; let WINDOWS = {}; let MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING = {}; let globalIncrement = 1; function escapeHTML(string) { return string.replaceAll("&", "&").replaceAll("<", "<").replaceAll("\"", """); } function incrementZIndex(windowID, focus = false) { WINDOWS[windowID] = String(globalIncrement); WINDOWS[windowID].zIndex = globalIncrement; globalIncrement++; if (focus) { WINDOWS[windowID].element.focus(); } } function edgeMoveEvent(x, y, pos, windowID) { let w = WINDOWS[windowID]; if (w.fullscreen) { return; } if (pos == "top" || pos.startsWith("top-")) { w.height = Math.max(-(y - w.vars.mouseOffsetY - w.vars.startingPosY) + w.vars.startingHeight, w.minHeight); w.posY = Math.max(w.vars.startingHeight - w.height + w.vars.startingPosY, 0); if (w.posY < 0) { w.height -= w.posY; w.posY = 0; } } else if (pos == "bottom" || pos.startsWith("bottom-")) { w.height = Math.max(y - w.vars.mouseOffsetY - w.vars.startingPosY + w.vars.startingHeight, w.minHeight); } if (pos == "left" || pos.endsWith("-left")) { w.width = Math.max(-(x - w.vars.mouseOffsetX - w.vars.startingPosX) + w.vars.startingWidth, w.minWidth); w.posX = Math.max(w.vars.startingWidth - w.width + w.vars.startingPosX, 0); if (w.posX < 0) { w.width -= w.posX; w.posX = 0; } } else if (pos == "right" || pos.endsWith("-right")) { w.width = Math.max(x - w.vars.mouseOffsetX - w.vars.startingPosX + w.vars.startingWidth, w.minWidth); } if (w.posX + w.width + _windowPaddingX > innerWidth) { w.width = Math.max(innerWidth - w.posX - _windowPaddingX, w.minWidth); } if (w.posY + w.height + _windowPaddingY > innerHeight) { w.height = Math.max(innerHeight - w.posY - _windowPaddingY, w.minHeight); } = `${w.posX}px`; = `${w.posY}px`; = `${w.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.width = `${w.width}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.height = `${w.height}px`; } function mouseMoveEvent(windowID, x, y) { let w = WINDOWS[windowID]; w.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - w.width - _windowPaddingX, x - w.vars.mouseOffsetX)); w.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - w.height - _windowPaddingY, y - w.vars.mouseOffsetY)); = `${w.posX}px`; = `${w.posY}px`; } function syncInputs(windowID) { let windowInput = WINDOWS[windowID].element.querySelector("input.window-input"); let windowVisualText = WINDOWS[windowID].element.querySelector("[data-type-area]"); let w = WINDOWS[windowID].element.querySelector(".window"); if (!windowVisualText) { return; } setTimeout(function () { let text = windowInput.value; let cursor = windowInput.selectionStart; if (cursor == text.length) { windowVisualText.innerHTML = `${escapeHTML(text)}<i class="cursor"> </i>`; } else { windowVisualText.innerHTML = `${escapeHTML(text.slice(0, cursor))}<span class="cursor">${escapeHTML(text[cursor])}</span>${escapeHTML(text.slice(cursor + 1))}`; } }, 1); w.scrollTop = w.scrollHeight; } function setCursor(windowID) { let windowInput = WINDOWS[windowID].element.querySelector("input.window-input"); setTimeout(() => { windowInput.setSelectionRange(windowInput.value.length, windowInput.value.length); syncInputs(windowID); }, 1); } function toggleFullscreen(windowID) { let w = WINDOWS[windowID]; if (w.fullscreen) { w.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - w.vars.oldWidth - _windowPaddingX, w.vars.oldPosX)); w.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - w.vars.oldHeight - _windowPaddingY, w.vars.oldPosY)); w.width = Math.max(w.minWidth, Math.min(w.vars.oldWidth, innerWidth - _windowPaddingX)); w.height = Math.max(w.minHeight, Math.min(w.vars.oldHeight, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY)); w.fullscreen = false; delete w.vars.oldPosX; delete w.vars.oldPosY; delete w.vars.oldWidth; delete w.vars.oldHeight; = `${w.posX}px`; = `${w.posY}px`; = `${w.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.width = `${w.width}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.height = `${w.height}px`; } else { w.vars.oldPosX = w.posX; w.vars.oldPosY = w.posY; w.vars.oldWidth = w.width; w.vars.oldHeight = w.height; w.fullscreen = true; w.posX = 0; w.posY = 0; w.width = innerWidth; w.height = innerHeight; = "0px"; = "0px"; = `${w.width}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.width = `${w.width - _windowPaddingX}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.height = `${w.height - _windowPaddingY}px`; } } function createWindow(config) { if (document.getElementById( { incrementZIndex(; return; } config.width = config.width || 600; config.height = config.height || 400; config.minWidth = config.minWidth || 200; config.minHeight = config.minHeight || 200; let realWidth = Math.max(config.minWidth, Math.min(config.width, innerWidth - _windowPaddingX - 20)); let realHeight = Math.max(config.minHeight, Math.min(config.height, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY - 20)); let posX = config.posX || Math.round((innerWidth / 2) - ((realWidth + _windowPaddingX) / 2)); let posY = config.posY || Math.round((innerHeight / 2) - ((realHeight + _windowPaddingY) / 2)); let wO = document.createElement("div"); wO.classList.add("window-outer"); let w = document.createElement("div"); w.classList.add("window"); = `${realWidth}px`; = `${realHeight}px`; w.innerHTML = config.content; let wH = document.createElement("div"); wH.classList.add("window-header"); wH.innerHTML = ` <i class="window-header-button blank"></i> <i class="window-header-button blank"></i> <i class="window-header-button blank"></i> <strong class="window-header-title">${config.title}</strong> <i data-no-move class="window-header-button minimize"></i> <i data-no-move class="window-header-button fullscreen"></i> <i data-no-move class="window-header-button close"></i> `; let wC; let wI = null; if (config.typeable !== false) { wI = document.createElement("input"); wI.classList.add("window-input"); = `${}__input`; wI.oninput = (event) => { syncInputs(; w.scrollTop = w.scrollHeight; }; wI.onkeydown = (event) => { if (event.key == "Enter") { commandManager(, wI.value.trim()); w.scrollTop = w.scrollHeight; wI.value = ""; } else if (event.key == "Tab") { event.preventDefault(); let val = wI.value.trim(); let possibilities = []; let parent; if (!val) { return; } if (val.split(" ").length == 1 && wI.value[wI.value.length - 1] != " ") { possibilities = Object.keys(_internal_commands).filter((cmd) => (cmd.startsWith(val) && !cmd.startsWith("_"))); } else if (_internal_commands[val.split(" ")[0]] && _internal_commands[val.split(" ")[0]].autocomplete) { let ac = _internal_commands[val.split(" ")[0]].autocomplete; let path = val.split(" ").slice(1).join(" ").trim(); let sw = path.split("/")[path.split("/").length - 1]; if (typeof ac == "object") { possibilities = ac; } else { if (path) { if (path[path.length - 1] == "/") { parent = _internal_getFile(_internal_sanitizePath(_internal_joinPaths(windowInformation[].PWD, path))); } else { parent = _internal_getFile(_internal_sanitizePath(_internal_joinPaths(windowInformation[].PWD, path + "/.."))); } } else { parent = _internal_getFile(windowInformation[].PWD); } if (parent && parent.type == "directory") { let f = parent.files; possibilities = Object.keys(f); if (ac == "dir") { possibilities = possibilities.filter((file) => (f[file] && f[file].type == "directory")); } } else { parent = null; } } possibilities = possibilities.filter((v) => v.startsWith(sw)); } if (possibilities.length == 1) { if (val.split(" ").length == 1 && wI.value[wI.value.length - 1] != " ") { wI.value = possibilities[0] + " "; } else if (_internal_commands[val.split(" ")[0]] && _internal_commands[val.split(" ")[0]].autocomplete) { let path = val; if (val[val.length - 1] == "/") { path += possibilities[0]; } else { let p = path.split("/"); if (p.length == 1) { p = p[0].split(" ", 2); if (p.length == 1) { p.push(""); } p.pop(); path = p.join(" ") + " " + possibilities[0]; } else { p.pop(); path = p.join("/") + "/" + possibilities[0]; } } wI.value = path + (parent && parent.type == "directory" && parent.files[possibilities[0]].type == "directory" ? "/" : " "); } syncInputs(; } else if (possibilities) { addWindowCommand(, possibilities.join(" ")); syncInputs(; } } else { syncInputs(; } }; wI.onfocus = () => { setCursor(; }; wI.onclick = () => { setCursor(; }; wC = document.createElement("label"); wC.htmlFor = `${}__input`; } else { wC = document.createElement("div"); } wC.classList.add("window-container"); wC.tabIndex = 0; = `${posX}px`; = `${posY}px`; =; = String(globalIncrement); = `${realWidth + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`; let edges = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const pos of ["top", "bottom", "left", "right", "top-left", "top-right", "bottom-left", "bottom-right"]) { let el = document.createElement("div"); el.classList.add("edge", pos); el.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { incrementZIndex(; e.preventDefault(); WINDOWS[].vars.mouseOffsetX = e.clientX - WINDOWS[].posX; WINDOWS[].vars.mouseOffsetY = e.clientY - WINDOWS[].posY; WINDOWS[].vars.startingWidth = WINDOWS[].width; WINDOWS[].vars.startingHeight = WINDOWS[].height; WINDOWS[].vars.startingPosX = WINDOWS[].posX; WINDOWS[].vars.startingPosY = WINDOWS[].posY; MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING[] = { callback: (x, y) => { edgeMoveEvent(x, y, pos,; }, mouseUp: true }; }); edges.append(el); } wO.append(w); wC.append(wH, wO, edges); document.body.append(wC); if (config.typeable !== false) { wC.append(wI); wI.focus(); } else { wC.focus(); } WINDOWS[] = { element: wC, height: realHeight, width: realWidth, minHeight: config.minHeight, minWidth: config.minWidth, posX: posX, posY: posY, fullscreen: false, zIndex: globalIncrement, vars: {} }; windowInformation[] = { PWD: HOME_DIR }; wC.addEventListener("focus", function () { incrementZIndex(; }); for (const link of wC.querySelectorAll("a")) { link.addEventListener("focus", function () { incrementZIndex(; }); } wH.addEventListener("mousedown", function (e) { if ( !== undefined) { return; } WINDOWS[].vars.mouseOffsetX = e.clientX - WINDOWS[].posX; WINDOWS[].vars.mouseOffsetY = e.clientY - WINDOWS[].posY; MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING[] = { callback: (x, y) => { mouseMoveEvent(, x, y); }, mouseUp: true }; }); wH.querySelector(".close").addEventListener("click", function () { delete WINDOWS[]; delete windowInformation[]; delete MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING[]; wC.remove(); if (typeof config.onDestroy === "function") { config.onDestroy(); } }); wH.querySelector(".fullscreen").addEventListener("click", () => (toggleFullscreen(; wH.addEventListener("dblclick", () => (toggleFullscreen(; globalIncrement++; } function windowPreset(template, dontDisableTyping = false) { let el = document.querySelector(`#window-templates > [data-template-id="${template}"]`); if (!el) { return; } if (WINDOWS[template]) { incrementZIndex(template, true); return; } let config = { id: template, title: "~ - tSh", content: "<div><b class=\"green\">trinkey@website</b>:<b class=\"blue\">~</b>$ <span data-type-area><i class=\"cursor\"> </i></span></div>" }; for (const field of el.querySelectorAll("[data-template-field]")) { config[field.dataset.templateField] = field.dataset.isNumber === "" ? +field.innerText : field.innerHTML; } createWindow(config); for (const command of el.querySelectorAll("li")) { WINDOWS[template].element.querySelector("[data-type-area]").innerHTML = command.innerHTML; commandManager(template, command.innerHTML); } if (!dontDisableTyping) { WINDOWS[template].element.querySelector("input").remove(); } } function emptyWindow() { createWindow({ id: `terminal-${Math.random()}`, title: "~ - tSh", content: "<div><b class=\"green\">trinkey@website</b>:<b class=\"blue\">~</b>$ <span data-type-area><i class=\"cursor\"> </i></span></div>" }); } function copyButton() { navigator.clipboard.writeText("<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><img src=\"\" alt=\"trinkey's 88x31. image of her cat on the right with the word 'trinkey' taking up the rest of the button.\" title=\"trinkey's 88x31. image of her cat on the right with the word 'trinkey' taking up the rest of the button.\"></a>"); } onmousemove = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); for (const key of Object.keys(MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING)) { MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING[key].callback(e.clientX, e.clientY); } }; onmouseup = function () { for (const key of Object.keys(MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING)) { if (MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING[key].mouseUp) { delete MOUSE_MOVE_PROCESSING[key]; } ; } }; onresize = function () { for (const window of Object.keys(WINDOWS)) { let w = WINDOWS[window]; if (w.fullscreen) { w.width = innerWidth - _windowPaddingX + 2; w.height = innerHeight - _windowPaddingY + 2; } else { w.posX = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerWidth - w.width - _windowPaddingX, w.posX)); w.posY = Math.max(0, Math.min(innerHeight - w.height - _windowPaddingY, w.posY)); w.width = Math.max(w.minWidth, Math.min(w.width, innerWidth - _windowPaddingX)); w.height = Math.max(w.minHeight, Math.min(w.height, innerHeight - _windowPaddingY)); } = `${w.posX}px`; = `${w.posY}px`; = `${w.width + _windowPaddingX - 2}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.width = `${w.width}px`; w.element.querySelector(".window").style.height = `${w.height}px`; } };